Parser Design Requirements

Memory Allocation and Memory Utilization

The parser must use a single block of memory allocated during construction and guarantee that it will never exceed the specified size. It should also be able to reuse this space for parsing multiple HTTP messages (one message at a time).

The parser must efficiently utilize the allocated memory for the following purposes:

  • Provide a mutable buffer for reading raw input (for example, from a socket).

  • Store HTTP headers and provide a non-owning, read-only view that allows efficient access and iteration through header names and values.

  • O(1) access to important HTTP headers, including the request method, target, and response status code.

  • Store all or part of an HTTP message and provide the necessary interfaces for retrieving it.

  • Take ownership of user-provided dynamic buffers and sink objects.

  • Store the necessary state for inflate algorithms.

Using a parser that works with a fixed-size buffer, an application can ensure it never exceeds capacity if all resources are provisioned at program startup.

Input Buffer Preparation

The parser must use its understanding of the current HTTP message to provide an input buffer size that balances the number of I/O operations and memory movements. A naive approach might offer the largest possible buffer to minimize I/O operations, but this would result in excessive memory movement, consuming significant computational resources. For example:

  • If the exact size of the message body is known and no transformation is needed, we can offer an input buffer that matches the remaining body size, plus a controlled overread that balances the cost of subsequent memory movement.

  • If the body type is chunked, we can provide an input buffer that accommodates the remaining chunk size, plus a controlled overread to read the next chunk header or the terminating chunk. This allows us to position the subsequent chunk directly after the current without having to perform memory movement due to the existence of a chunk header.

Use Cases and Interfaces

To keep things simple, we will use the following synchronous free functions to demonstrate the flow of the parse operation in each example:

read_some(stream& s, parser& pr)
    system::error_code ec;
        auto n = s.read_some(pr.prepare(), ec);
        if(ec == asio::error::eof)
            ec = {};
            throw system::system_error{ec};
    if(ec.failed() && ec != condition::need_more_input)
        throw system::system_error{ec};

read_header(stream& s, parser& pr)
        read_some(s, pr);

read(stream& s, parser& pr)
        read_some(s, pr);

In-Place Body

It must be possible to use the internal buffer of the parser for storing the entire or part of an HTTP message body.

request_parser pr{ctx};

read_header(stream, pr);

// When the entire body can fit in-place
read(stream, pr);
string_view body = pr.body();

// When need to read body piece by piece
    read_some(stream, pr);
    auto cbs = pr.pull_body();

Sink Body

A sink-like body enables algorithms to read body contents directly from the parser 's internal buffer, either in one step or multiple steps, such as when writing the body to a file. The parser takes ownership of the sink object, drives the algorithm, and provides a ConstBufferSequence by calling the relevant virtual interfaces on the sink.

response_parser pr{ctx};

read_header(stream, pr);

http_proto::file file;
system::error_code ec;"./index.html", file_mode::write_new, ec);
    return ec;


read(stream, pr);

Dynamic Buffer

Using the dynamic buffer interface, the parser can store body contents directly into the user-provided buffer or container, avoiding double copying.

response_parser pr{ctx};

read_header(stream, pr);

std::string body;

read(stream, pr);

Accessing Buffered Data

The HTTP/1.1 protocol allows upgrading an established connection to a different protocol by sending an upgrade request and receiving a 101 Switching Protocols status code in response. During this process, the parser might overread the HTTP response, such as reading part or all of a WebSocket frame after the response. The parser must provide a way to access this buffered data so it can be passed to another entity, like a WebSocket stream object.

response_parser pr{ctx};

read_header(stream, pr);

    auto cbs = pr.buffered_data();
    // Pass the buffered data to the next layer ...